9/11/01 9:30 PM - The Hidden Triforce page is UP.
10/11/01 11:30 AM - I've added the guestbook feature and currently
have the pages: Updates, Suggestions/FAQ, Zelda:MM, Zleda:OoT and Zelda: OoT - Screenshots.
16/11/01 4:16 PM - I have
just added some new screenshots, heart locations and weapon information onto the page. Thank-you to Gamer3742 for providing
me with this info.
20/11/01 5:41 PM - I have added the songs found in Majora's Mask, once again provided by Gamer3742.
I switched to ezboard instead of xsorbit because xsorbit was too unreliable. I'm looking for some colour schemes and suggestions
so post them in the Suggestions Forum on the board if you have any please. Also, I am looking for some more helpers to help
find information. You will be given full credit for all your work. E-mail me for details if you are interested.
9:37 PM - I've just finished adding the final touches to the "Futuristic Zelda" page. It is now apart of the site! Thank-you
to Gamer for finding the "cartoon" graphics and thanks to the site "Ganon's Castle" for the "original" graphics. Check Credits
for more information about "Ganon's Castle".
28/11/01 8:34 PM - Just added the first Zelda: MM Trick into the Database
and fixed a few errors I found. Have just begun working on a GameShark section of the site. Am planning to add some more to
the weapons page too. If you have any gameshark codes that you made, and you know they cannot be easily found on the web or
made, please send them to me. Thank-you.
06/2/02 9:43 AM - I haven't worked on the page for quite a while. I've had
mass homework and haven't found the time. I have updated the Message Board and used better colours. I would appreciate it
if you joined the board and became an active participant as I am the only joiner. I hope that maybe we can have a hundred
people or so on the board. I haven't worked on the page for quite a while. I've had mass homework and haven't found the time.
20/3/02 4:37 PM - Well, I'm back. I've been COMPLETELY bogged down with homework lately and I haven't ahad any
time to work on the page. I will work on it during the summer holidays and I'll try a bit now, but I've got a pretty
tight schedule. If you are interested in helping me in the page, I would really appreciate it. I've heard some
people cannot get into my message board, I'm in, but I've heard other people cannot. If you cannot, please send me an
e-mail about it and I'll look into it immediately. Later.
3/7/04 3:48 PM - Man...back AGAIN.... Holy smokes, been over 2 years since Tripod has let me access this page to
edit. Time to make up some lost time.