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The Hidden Triforce


There are currently: 0 FAQs.

If you wish for your FAQs to be on the site, post them on the message board or send them to me but make sure you state that I CAN post them.


There are currently: 11 Suggestions.

Name: Westley

How could the site improve? more pictures of the meaning of the site

More pictures of the meaning of the site... Hmmm.  I take it you want more pics on how to find the triforce, where it is, etc etc.  I'll look into that.  Thanks Westley.


Name: kelly

How could the site improve? pictures pictures and more pictures. can never have too man

Yeah I hear ya.  Gotta fill this account up to it's limits.  Thanks for the heads-up.


Name: imran khan

How could the site improve? you need a bit picture and a background

Picure and a background, eh?  Trouble with that is, I'm working with a provided template... hard to kind of customize it too far, that sorta thing but I'll take that idea if I get a new provider and copy the html over.  Thanks Kahn.

Name: Clare Sweeney
How could the site improve? Fanfic:If you don't already have one

Fanfic?  Not quite sure what that is... however, anything having to do with fans would be great.  Maybe some fan art type of thing...  Awesome idea, Thanks Clare.  Congrats on your article.


Name: Matthew

How could the site improve? give cheats.

You know what?  That would make an awesome new section.  I'll add something like that in at the end, once I've tied all the knots on the other sections.  Thanks for that idea Matt.


Name: frogo

How could the site improve? get downloads and games

Man, you said it.  I'm not bad at VB... although I'm not sure if I can make any interesting games for download in THAT.  Hehehe, another awesome idea, I'll keep that in mind.  Cheers Frogo.


Name: tony

How could the site improve? change coler add stuff like the z-files

Change colour, yeah, I agree.  Orange is pretty cool but I think we need some Zelda Greeeeeeen.  As for Z-Files... I'm assuming that's another great Zelda site eh?  I'll check it out, thanks Tony.


Name: Nick

How could the site improve? Maybe a Character Guide?  Or do you have one, I didn't chec

Character guide, yes, I believe I was working on that before Tripod refused my entry to my account.  I'll get on it, asap.


Name: Thomas

How could the site improve? Add info about other zelda games

I've got a TON of work to do in that area, Thomas.  I was a big Zelda guy for N64 but I haven't got around to picking it up for GC yet.  However, I managed to grab Link to the Past and DX for Gameboy Colour.  Thanks Tom.


Name: markus huizar

How could the site improve? you could start bye having some walkthroughs onthe games or mabey a QandA or you could have a area where people can post where they think the triforce is.

Walkthroughs... That's a huge job, I'd probably need some help in that area.  Excellent suggestion, I've used a couple of those more than once.  And as a Q and A, my message board has been closed... probably due to inactivity, but I was planning on having something like that as a Forum.  I've got to find a better host for some Forums...  Send me an e-mail if you have any suggestions.  I'll keep that in mind, thank-you Markus.


Name: Andy

How could the site improve? Pictures, Art (ASCII)

Heyyy, wicked idea.  I've tried that ASCII stuff before... turned out something like myself typing with my eyes shut... *shudder*  But yeah, good idea, perhaps I can find someone to make some for us.  Thanks Andy.

If you wish for your Suggestions to be on the site, post them in the guestbook or e-mail them to me.  Also, if any spelling errors, grammer errors, punctuation errors, etc. are discovered, please tell me a.s.a.p. Thank-you.